5 Daily Full-Time Working Mom Routines for This Season

Posted by Yenipher Chung, Communications Project Director, on Apr 21, 2020

5 Daily Full-Time Working Mom Routines for This Season

How can we balance being a full-time mom, full-time manager, and full-time wife? You just don’t. On the first day of my self-quarantine, I pretty much gave up on having some sort of normalcy or schedule for my family and me. I also found myself asking for forgiveness from my co-workers and my toddler for not being fully present…for either of them. My life right now entails of back-to-back conference calls with my co-workers via Microsoft Teams, while holding my two-year-old toddler on my lap, throwing him snacks and toys to keep him entertained. Mind you, I am also seven-months pregnant and having the energy to deal with all of this every day is proven to be very tough. All the while, I feel the pressure or guilt that I can’t do more for other people during this quarantine and can only deal with my own daily tasks. I have mom guilt, work guilt, and Christian guilt all at the same time. As overwhelming as things are right now, I have found a way to find my peace every day with the following five routines.

Here Are Five Daily Full-Time Working Mom Routines for This Season:

  1. Reading daily devotions (and coffee) in the morning.
    I wake up before my child wakes up (just 10-15 minutes before, nothing crazy), make my coffee, and open my Bible App to read a couple of scriptures. Currently, I’m reading a couple of different plans, but you can read anything that suits your needs or that calms your heart before the start of the day. And drinking my daily coffee helps, too. It only takes about 10-15 minutes to read through everything, but it helps me get my day centered. If you don’t know where to get started, you can check out Chase Oaks' resources for spiritual rhythms during this season here.

  2. Taking daily lunch breaks and strolls.
    No matter how busy my work schedule gets, I will ALWAYS take my lunch break (because I also have to feed my child and husband now). And, afterward, I go on a 15-30 minute stroll around the neighborhood with my little family (while keeping the six-feet distance from others).

  3. Setting boundaries with work and family life.
    I have set an alarm on my phone that goes off at 5 PM every day so that I know when to STOP working. I’m a workaholic, and there’ll always be things due. I make sure that, unless it’s urgent, I stop my work at 5 PM and shift my attention to my family.

  4. Being thankful.
    With the daily bad news that I get via my social media feed, it’s so easy to get discouraged and also complain about pretty much anything. Instead, I have to mentally shift my thoughts and become more grateful for what I have. It can be as simple as just purely having a job that lets me work remotely, a house to be quarantined in, a child to take care of (even though days are long), and food to eat. Write down what you’re thankful for each day, and it’ll change your perspective.

  5. Staying connected with others.
    I’m part of a LifeGroup that now meets via Zoom on Sundays. It’s not great, but it’s what we have. We also keep in touch every day via a group text. I make sure to send them a scripture or an encouraging note every morning after my daily devotions. If you’re not in a group yet, Chase Oaks will be launching new online groups soon. Stay tuned to our website for more details and for registration. These are just five working mom routines that I picked up during the quarantine that are helping me stay sane. I pray that this has been helpful for you in some ways. Even with this routine, my days are still far from “perfect,” and they have their ups and downs, but I cling onto God’s promise from Romans 8:28 that says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

This season has thrown moms a few major curveballs, but we can help you navigate them! Join us for our series How to Hit a Curveball and discover how we can adjust and persevere through this crisis together.

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