Thinking Well

May 2021

Discuss Together

As we discuss how to stay solid in our thinking, we want to create a safe and grace-filled space that doesn’t turn argumentative, political, or divisive. So, as you process these questions, think about them personally—about the challenges you’ve faced in thinking well and steps you want to personally take in order to ground yourself better in faith and life.

  • No one likes to be deceived or duped. But it can happen to all of us. Can you think of a time where you were on the receiving end of a scam? What happened?
  • Read Colossians 1:28-2:8. Paul talks about helping everyone become “fully mature in Christ.” What does this mean and look like?
  • Throughout this passage, Paul instructs believers to solidify their thinking. What does he ask them (and us) to do? Highlight specific phrases and commands.
  • If we’re honest, we are all susceptible to fine-sounding arguments and deceptive philosophy. This past year has made it even more difficult to have solid thinking. What has made it challenging for you to stay grounded, think well, and have a solid anchor in your thinking?
  • Paul instructs individual believers to take responsibility for their own faith development. How intentional have you been with developing your faith this past year? Where do you feel like you need to put more energy, discipline, and helpful habits?
  • None of us has arrived and all of us could use more help, including more information, tools, and expertise in order to think deeper. Where do you want to be more equipped? Have you thought about taking one of the Masterclasses being offered this summer at Chase Oaks?
  • Other people that we trust can help us from being deceived and duped. Who do you go to when you are wanting to think well about something? How have you been about listening to their perspective?
  • What is one way this summer you want to deepen your thinking? Share it with the group.

Next Steps

There are two big ways you can take next steps in your thinking and faith this summer at Chase Oaks. The first is to join an Established group if you’ve never gone through it before. Established will help you connect with others and grow in confidence around key areas of Jesus, faith, the Bible, and Christianity. Go to to find out more.

Chase Oaks is also launching a bunch of digital and on-demand Masterclasses to equip you to take steps in your understanding of the Bible, leadership, gifting, parenting, and financial stewardship. To sign up, go to