
Even as we are beginning to see some light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, other issues continue to darken our lives. We as a community are reeling from the ongoing examples of racism in our culture. Violence and hate crimes against Asians are increasing, as seen dramatically in the murder of eight people in Atlanta this past week. The fear and confusion that many of our church and community members are experiencing as a result may be hidden, but they are real.

The events in Georgia and others here in Collin County, along with past experiences, have left many in our church and community feeling devalued. In addition, blanket anti-police responses have made many of our law enforcement professionals feel unvalued and unappreciated for doing what is unquestionably a difficult public service. The recent tragedy in Boulder is just one example of the dangers our police face every day. We recognize that the hurt experienced by all of these brothers and sisters has only been magnified this past week, and we need to pray more than ever.
So we are joining with fellow churches to gather on our knees and pray for peace, unity, accountability, and change. We are inviting our city leaders and law enforcement officials as well, to work and pray together in solidarity for justice and against racism.

The prayer gathering will be TONIGHT, March 23 at 6:30 PM on the steps of the Collin County Courthouse. We hope you will join us there.

Jeff Jones
Senior Pastor