
A 3-week, on-demand experience that takes place exclusively in our app.
Starting Sunday, October 29, 2023.

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Join us for a 21-day journey toward intentional parenting.

It’s no secret that parenting can often feel overwhelming, challenging, and isolating. We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional parenting as we seek to grow in our understanding of ourselves and our children. We’re eager to journey alongside you in pursuing progress over perfection as we learn from the greatest parent of all, our Heavenly Father.


  • Who is this for? Anyone who wants to work on being intentional as a family.
  • What to expect? Weekly teaching. Daily challenges. Weekend activities. A community and coaches to walk through this journey with.
  • When will it start? Sunday, October 29, 2023. 
  • Where will it be? Within the Chase Oaks App.
  • What’s the commitment? This experience will be fully on-demand, on your own time. We recommend about 15-25 minutes a day.

Meet Your Parenting Coaches

I'm Jason, originally from LA (go Dodgers!). Professionally, I spent my early years as an Autism Behavioral Therapist because of my own brother's autism. Later, I earned a master’s degree in Education from UCLA, specializing in Autism Research Treatment. At 22, I embraced Christianity and decided to enter pastoral ministry. I served as a youth pastor in LA for five impactful years. In 2016, I married Hannah, and we welcomed our daughter Eliza two years later. We then moved to Dallas, where I now serve as the Adult Ministry Pastor at the Chase Oaks Sloan Creek Campus. I'm also pursuing a Masters in Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary. I love being a dad, and I enjoy discussing intentional fatherhood with others. When not studying or working, you'll find me bass fishing at nearby ponds, learning how to play pickle ball, or having some sort of adventure with my kiddos.

Hi, I’m Hannah, a mom of two and feeler of many feelings! I am a singer/songwriter, actor, and worship leader. I grew up attending Chase Oaks and moved to Los Angeles in 2012 to pursue acting and music. Later, I rededicated my life to Jesus at a Bible study on the CBS studio lot. I met Jason shortly afterward, and we were married in 2016. We moved to Texas in the summer of 2019 when our daughter was almost a year old. I have a deep passion for finding the beauty and truth in everything, and when I’m not wrangling kiddos or making music, you can probably find me at a yoga class, reading Jane Austen, or crocheting.