Why Communion?

October 2021

Discuss Together

  • What is your go-to meal, either to cook or eat? Share with your group (and make each other hungry).
  • This week we talked about the Lord’s Supper, also known as communion, or depending on your church background, the eucharist, or taking the elements. What are some of the different ways you’ve seen or experienced communion? Have there been any moments of awkwardness or confusion because of it?
  • Communion becomes even more significant when we understand its connection to the Old Testament. But for many Christians, interacting with the Old Testament can be a challenge. What has been your experience with the first 39 books of the Bible? What have you learned about how to best interact with and understand them?
  • Read Luke 22:7-20 together. In what ways would it have been shocking to the disciples to hear what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper? Why is it significant that this was a Passover feast?
  • Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. What is the new covenant? What made it different from the old?
  • Were there any other “ah ha,” “oh wow,” or “okay, now that makes sense” moments from how Greg explained communion? Share with your group.
  • Why do you think God chose a meal to be the big way we go about remembering Him?
  • Greg shared how there are both vertical (our relationship with God) and horizontal (our relationship with each other) aspects to communion. In what ways is communion horizontal? In what ways does it involve how we relate to each other?
  • Where do you find yourself prone to forget something God wants you to remember? Besides communion, what are some other ways you can go about remembering God’s goodness and grace throughout the week?

Next Steps

Consider taking communion as a group. Grab some bread and wine or juice. Read Luke 22:19-20 together. As you do, take time to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and what it means for your relationship with God and with each other.