Unexpected Compassion

April 2019

Start Up

What does it actually look like to live a life of unexpected love? When we read stories about how Jesus lived in the Bible, it can be both inspiring and overwhelming. None of us are Jesus, Superman, or Bob Goff. So, how can we love in the middle of ordinary and busy lives? Jesus helps us think about this question through a famous story about a good Samaritan who became an unexpected source of love to a stranger on the side of a road.

  • Think back to the last time you saw someone stranded on the side of the road—maybe it was a flat tire or a broken-down car. What goes through your mind as you think through whether or not to respond, stop, or help?
  • Think through the last time you were stranded on the side of the road. Did anyone stop to help you? What happened?


Discuss Together

Read Luke 10:25-37.

  • Before Jeff’s message, how familiar were you with the parable of the Good Samaritan? In what ways did the message change your perspective?
  • In what ways are the actions of the Samaritan unexpected? How would this story have shocked the original audience?
  • Can you make a contemporary parallel to this parable? Who might be considered a “Samaritan” today and why?
  • What group of people do you find it difficult to treat like neighbors? What would it look like for you to show unexpected love to them?
  • Jesus says that we show our love for God by loving strangers in the same way we love ourselves. In what ways does that challenge the way you currently approach your relationship with God?
  • Jeff talked about giving generously to things like The Bail Project, AIDS Services of Dallas, and families affected by the ICE raids in Allen. Are any of those particularly stretching or uncomfortable for you? Do any of them particularly inspire you? Share with the group.
  • At the end of this passage, Jesus says, “Now, go and do likewise.” What is your next step this week in order to love in an unexpected way?


Look over the handout that shares creative ways to engage our community in unexpected ways. Have each person circle 2-3 they would like to try this week.