Time Flies

November 2021


  • Ryan shared how we are about to enter the junior year of COVID and we’re six weeks away from 2019 being three years ago.
  • Share about how much your life has changed over that passage of time? What is different in your life and those in your relational circles?
  • If you had one more hour in the day, how would you spend it? Is there something you wish you had more time to do but never seem to have time to do it?
  • Read Psalm 90:1-12. What does it mean to number our days? Why is this connected to finding wisdom?
  • Read Ephesians 5:15-17. What is the difference between being wise and unwise in how we spend our time? What does it practically look like to be unwise with time?
  • There are so many demands on your time. With your current season and stage of life, list out the different areas you feel pressure to be present at and great in. How do you think you are doing with juggling all those demands?
  • Ryan said, “Our calendars often dictate who and what we are becoming.” What would last week’s calendar say about your priorities. Does that match up with what is most important to you and who you want to be? In what ways yes and in what ways no?
  • Jesus chose to spend intentional time with His inner circle, with outsiders, and with God. How are you doing with spending intentional time in those three areas? Where do you want to be more intentional?
  • What is one step you want to take to be wiser in how you steward your time? How can you implement that step?


This Thanksgiving, think about how you can be fully present with those around you. It could mean putting away the phone or asking a few intentional questions that take you beyond small talk. How ever this day looks for you, make plans now for this to be an intentional, life-giving use of time.