The Jesus Brand

May 2018

Start Up

Lately, it seems like Christianity has lost a lot of influence in our culture. Christians are often seen in a negative light. While this reality might feel unfair, many of these perceptions and problems have been self-imposed by churches getting off-script from what Jesus taught us to do. We are called to live in a way that grows our influence, not shrinks it. How do we do that? Let’s continue the conversation started this weekend.

  • In his message, Jeff showed the logos of different brands and asked people to shout out what first came to mind when they saw it. Play this together in your group. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of:
    • Starbucks
    • Whole Foods
    • KFC
    • Apple
    • Chick-Fil-A
    • Ferrari
  • What do you think most people in our culture think of when they hear the word “church”? What about “evangelical”? Why?
  • What is one thing that stood out to you from Jeff’s message? Share with the group.


Discuss Together

Read 1 Peter 2:11-17 together.

  • According to this passage, what should Christ-followers be known for in the culture at large? How should Christ-followers exert influence?
  • Do you think the church has lost influence in our culture over the last 20 years? If so, what do you think caused this decline?

Now, read John 13:34-35 and John 15:12-13 together.

  • Why is this command “new”?
  • If we are to love like Jesus loves, then we need to know how Jesus showed it. What words would you use to describe the way Jesus loved? Share some together as a group.
  • Jeff shared how Jesus loved by being radically accepting. He led in a way that communicated to broken people, “I’ll just accept you and love you toward transformation.” Can you think of a time where someone radically accepted you? How did it inspire you to grow?
  • What does it mean to accept someone? What does it look like to accept someone you disagree with while not compromising truth?
  • Jeff also shared how Jesus loved by being radically sacrificial. Who is one person in your life who is radically generous? How have they inspired you?

Live Big

  • We can lament how Christians have lost influence in our culture. Or we can do what the Bible tells us to do—we can grow our influence by being radically accepting and sacrificial.
  • Who can you show radical acceptance to? What would it look like for you to love this person this week?
  • What is one way this week you can love in such a way that it would be described as radically sacrificial?