The Familiar Cycle

March 2020

Start Up

The Book of Judges, found in the Old Testament, is about repeated failure by God’s people and God’s repeated faithfulness and mercy in spite of that rebellion. Time and time again in the book, the nation of Israel rebels, experiences preventable pain, cries out to God, God raises up a “judge” or leader to deliver the people from a crisis, and find peace only to rebel again not long after. While these stories happened a long time ago, we’re not so different from the people found in this book. Continue the discussion started this weekend as we explore how to break the cycle.
  • Do you have a good memory? What things (names, numbers, dates, etc.) are easy for you to remember and what is difficult for you to recall?
  • What is your background and experience with the Old Testament? Do you feel like you have a good grasp on the big picture of it? Share what you’ve learned about interacting with it.

Discuss Together

Read Judges 2:8-19.
  • Does it surprise you that within one generation the people of Israel had forgotten what God had done for them? How do you think this is possible?
  • Greg talked about how there is a cycle that is repeated throughout Judges. That cycle pops up in this passage. What are the elements of the cycle that you see?
  • Why do you think it’s easy to keep repeating the same sins and struggles over and over again? Have you seen this in your own life?
  • What have you learned about breaking a harmful cycle or pattern in your life? What does it take to make progress and change?
  • Greg shared how Israel struggled with half-hearted devotion. What does this mean? How would a person know if they are half-heartedly devoted to God?
  • Israel was repeatedly drawn to worshiping idols. Do idols exist today in our culture? What form do they take? How would you know something is an idol?
  • What is something in your life that you have to be careful with because it could potentially become an idol for you? Is it something around money, kids, success, career, a person, or a relationship? Share with the group.
  • What is repentance and why is it important in breaking the cycle? What makes it difficult to actually do?
  • Greg challenged us to combine spirituality with bravery—to be bold in our faith. Is there an area you feel called to be bolder and braver in your relationship with God? Share with the group.

Live Big

The cycle is built on a failure of memory. We are prone to forget, which leads us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. So, take time to remember what God has done in your life. Share what you’ve learned about remembering God’s faithfulness in your life. And then pray, thanking God for all that He has done.