Starting Fresh

February 2022

Discuss Together

  • As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
  • Growing up, what were some of the religious environments, denominations, or traditions you experienced? How did those experiences shape what you believe about God today?
  • Read John 3:1-4. What do we learn about Nicodemus’ personal history that has shaped his beliefs about God? Why is it significant that he comes to Jesus to ask questions – what does it tell us about him?
  • Curiosity is often a mark of maturity. How curious would you say you are? What are some practices or disciplines you have in your life to make sure you stay open to the new things God might be up to?
  • Read John 3:5-21. Nicodemus found Jesus’ words about being “born again” confusing. Do you find this phrase confusing, helpful, or a little bit of both? What does it mean to be born again?
  • John 3:16 is one of the most beloved verses of all time. Why do you think that is?
  • Ryan shared how this isn’t the last time Nicodemus shows up in the Gospel of John. He’s also there at the end, when he sees Jesus die, get buried, and then rise again. How do you think this experience helped Nicodemus make sense of some of the confusing things Jesus had said earlier?
  • What are some things that can derail people in their faith journey? If you’re open to sharing, what are some of things that have derailed you in your own faith journey?
  • What have you learned about processing disillusionment with God or with faith? Who or what keeps you grounded and helps you move forward?

Next Steps

If you’ve never been baptized, we’re doing it in-service at our physical campuses the weekend of April 1/3. Baptism is an outward expression of a personal decision. Not only is it an act of obedience to Jesus, it’s also a great way to tangibly express what God has done in us, for others to see. To sign up, go to our website: