How to Be Healed

November 2018

Start Up

The topic of healing can be controversial and confusing. When we hear of an amazing story about someone experiencing a miraculous healing, we all might react differently depending on our background or perspective. So, does God still heal people today? What does the Bible really say about it? Let’s continue the conversation started this weekend as we dig into the book of James.

  • What has been a past message in our “Life Hacks” series that has stuck with you? Share with the group and explain why you chose this message.
  • Jeff mentioned several different Christian tribes that have a unique perspective about things like healing and miracles (i.e., sensationalists, confessionalists, dispensationalists, and secularists). Define each together and then share which tribe or perspective has influenced you the most.


Discuss Together

Read James 5:13-16 together.

  • James clearly believed God heals people. And he gives a process for how to ask for healing. What are the different steps James mentions in this passage?
  • As we look at these steps, what is our personal responsibility when it comes to healing? What is God’s responsibility?
  • Is there more value in praying with other believers than in praying on your own? Why or why not?
  • Is verse 15 telling us that every physical illness has a spiritual cause? What’s the connection between sickness and sin? (Consider John 9:1-3 and John 5:14).
  • James guarantees this process will work in verse 15, yet we know from life experiences times where physical healing didn’t happen. If you are comfortable with sharing, has there been a time where you prayed for healing for yourself or for someone else and it didn’t happen? How did you process that experience, and how did it affect your faith?
  • What do you think James is teaching when he says, “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well”? What promises can we hold on to when we pray for healing?

Now, read 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 together.

  • Jeff talked about how sometimes God answers our prayers for healing by giving us “innervention”—He chooses not to heal the physical or mental issue itself but gives us the grace to be able to endure so that He becomes stronger or more present in our lives. How did God give Paul innervention in this passage?
  • Can you think of a time where God gave you innervention? How did God show up through that difficult situation?
  • Did Jeff’s message and/or this passage change the way you think about healing? Share with the group.

Take Away

Take a moment to share areas where you need prayer with one another. You may consider breaking up into groups of 3-4 or of men and women. As you do, ask these questions:

  • Is there a place you are expectantly asking for healing? If you are comfortable sharing, is it regarding body (physical), mind (mental or emotional), or soul (spiritual or an area of sin and shame)?
  • Take time to ask together for God’s intervention, interaction, or innervention in those areas.