Finding God's Strength

May 2020

Discuss Together

  • If you needed someone physically strong to help you do a task, who would you call? Who’s your Superman or Superwoman?

  • Who is the spiritually or emotionally strongest person you know? How do they display that strength to you?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 12:6-10. Have you ever made a request to God similar to Paul’s? What was the request? Was God’s answer “no” or “my grace is sufficient for you” like Paul’s?

  • How is it possible for weaknesses and hardships to bring about strength, faith, and God’s grace? Have you ever experienced this?

  • What does it look like to find strength in God in everyday life? Get specific.

  • Ryan said, “One of the greatest spiritual disciplines we can have is fighting the ‘I got this’ mentality.” Do you struggle with having an ‘I got this’ mentality? Where or in what ways?

  • What is one area you desperately need God’s strength and wisdom in today? Share with the group.


Ryan talked about changing our prayers from, “Deliver me from this,” or “Help me escape from this” to “Meet me in this,” and “Make me better in this.” So, take a few moments to ask for God’s strength. Invite Him to meet you in your challenges this week. Ask Him to give you strength, transform you in and through it, and that His grace would be sufficient for you today.