When Life Seems Unfair

June 2020

Discuss Together

  • With all the bad news that is going around, take a moment and share one piece of good news.

  • Where are you shouting, “That’s not fair!” right now? What is going on that is confusing or hurtful?

  • Read Psalm 73:1-16. In what way does life feel unfair to Asaph?

  • Finish the song by reading Psalm 73:17-28. What gives him perspective as he wrestles with his current troubles?

  • In verse 17, Asaph shares how entering the sanctuary was a turning point for him. Have you ever experienced how a time of worship could dramatically help your perspective? Why do you think this helps?

  • Besides worship or a church service, what else helps you gain perspective when things get chaotic?

  • Asaph realized that God’s presence brings comfort (v. 23), guidance (v. 24), strength (v. 26), and refuge (v. 28). Which of those qualities (comfort, guidance, strength, or refuge) do you most need from God right now? In what way?


This is the last sermon discussion guide for the semester. Take a few moments to look back over the last season and how God worked through these conversations. Share a favorite memory or helpful moment. Pray together and thank God for all that He did.