Patience is Hard

April 2020

Discuss Together

  • What sport or sporting activity do you feel most confident playing or doing? Can anyone throw or hit a curveball?

  • What is the biggest curveball this season has thrown you personally? What are some other curveballs you’ve had to face in your life?

  • Read James 5:7-11. Where do you find yourself struggling most with being patient? Is it on the road, in a relationship, in a job, or something else? Has this changed as we’ve gone through this season of social distancing?

  • One way James calls us to be patient is to be long-tempered with other people. What have you learned about being long-tempered with those closest to you during stressful times? What does it take to not blow up at each other?

  • Is there a way you feel like you need to be more patient with people in your life right now? Is there anything you need to apologize for or make right?

  • Another way we’re called to be patient is by persevering in faith during difficult circumstances. Do you know of someone who showed incredible endurance through suffering or a challenging time? What did you learn from them?

  • Jeff said, “It is in the difficult times where we grow the most.” Have you found that to be true? Did a hard situation in your past actually pull you closer to God? How?

  • Read Galatians 5:22-23. Pick one of the words that describes the fruit of the Holy Spirit that you most need in your life right now. Why did you pick that word?


Journeying with Jesus is always a series of next steps. We’re all at different places and have our own unique obstacles that keep us from experiencing all God has for us. So, as you think of Jesus’ offer to find life to the fullest in Him, what does your next step look like? Is it something you need to do? Is it something you need to stop? Is it a conversation you need to have or a prayer you need to pray?