You Are Called Group Guide

January 2024

  • In what ways do you find it easy to marvel at God’s creative work?
  • What are some factors that cause people to feel they are, or are not, beautifully created by the Lord?
  • Do you resonate with the concept of having a specific calling, like Jeremiah or Paul? Why or why not?
  • How does the idea of having a clear purpose help a person face the uncertainties and difficulties of life as Paul did?
  • Concerning Paul, Jeff said the following: “He was compelled to live out his calling as a missionary. That not only motivated him to get up in the morning, but also is what dictated what he said ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to.” What are some things your purpose might be telling you to say “yes” and “no” to?
  • Reflecting on the components of calling that Jeff mentioned (gifts, passion, experience, placement), which one stands out to you as most significant in your life right now?
  • People have often said to others, “You can be whatever you want to be.” Jeff explained that the truth is even better than that. The Lord created you and wants to empower you to do something specific - not just anything. What makes this better?
  • Nike’s “Just do it” slogan is general one that people can apply to their lives. The same can be said about “the Lord created you for a purpose.” But God’s call on your life is not general; it’s very specific. In what ways can you grow in the understanding of the specific call God has on your life?
  • We can often look at where we are in life and wonder where God is sending us. What we might miss is that he has already sent us somewhere. What does that mean to you right here, right now? Where has he already sent you?