Vision Weekend Group Guide

November 2023

  • How did your spiritual journey begin? When did you start going to church, and what brought you there? And how did you get connected to Chase Oaks?
  • How do you see culture moving toward a “post-church culture”?
  • Read John 4:4-9. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, whereas he would not have met her in the synagogue. Is there anyone in your life that is reluctant to go to a church service?
  • How do you feel about the shift from a traditional church service model to a more outward-facing approach, activating our spaces with things like coffee shops and daycare facilities? How might these be effective tools for reaching the post-church culture?
  • Read Matthew 5:14-16. When it comes to being a light and putting love on display, how have you seen or experienced the impact of serving others in the community?
  • How can efforts to amplify local good contribute to changing the perception of Christianity?
  • How have you seen the church make an impact on the next generation, whether in your own life growing up, or in the lives of your kids or kids around you?
  • Three strategies we are exploring to help anchor the faith of the next generation are to expand our residency program, resource youth Ministry, and improve our facilities for children and youth. How can these efforts make a difference in the lives of young people?
  • Share your thoughts on the three main focus areas of Reimagine: Activate Our Spaces, Amplify Local Good, and Anchor the Faith of the Next Generation. Which area resonates with you the most?
  • How can your group actively participate in our church's vision and initiatives? What practical steps can you take individually and collectively?