Unconditional Delight Group Guide

December 2023

  • How does your personal story make the concept of a God who delights in you easier or harder to grasp?
  • Read Zephaniah 3:15-20. What are some practical ways to apply the dual themes of sin and God's love from Zephaniah in our daily lives? How can we deepen our understanding of the seriousness of sin while embracing the overwhelming love and grace that God extends to us?
  • What are some relational consequences of sin towards God, others, the world, and ourselves?
  • The image of God rejoicing over us with singing is powerful. How does God's joyous celebration over us contrast with the tendency to view God as distant, disappointed, or angry with our shortcomings? How can we internalize this truth in our daily lives, especially when we are overcome with shame or guilt?
  • It’s sometimes easier to believe that God loves us rather than likes us. Why do you think that is? How does Zephaniah 3:17 challenge this perception?