Navigating Tensions Group Guide

October 2023

Discussion Questions

An iconic song from the Beatles famously declares, “All you need is love!” That sounds so simple and sweet, but loving others is complicated. How do we love well and yet also hold onto and point toward truth? Jesus navigated this tension throughout his ministry. He loved sinners and strugglers with both acceptance and challenge, and he shows us how to do it too.

  • What are some popular songs or movies about love? List out a few and share why you think that movie or song resonated with so many people.
  • While these songs and movies can be sweet, they can also oversimplify what it looks like to love. How is real love more complicated than songs and movies make it out to be? What are some tensions you’ve faced when it comes to loving the people in your life?
  • Read John 1:14. What does it mean that Jesus was full of grace and truth? Are grace and truth at odds with each other? Why or why not?
  • Read Mark 2:13-17. What can we learn about how Jesus navigated the tension of grace and truth in this situation? What stands out to you?
  • In this passage, we see that people who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus. Why do you think that was the case? What does it tell us about how Jesus related to “disreputable sinners” (New Living Translation)?
  • In Jesus’ day, tax collectors were the people who were most despised in religious circles. Who do you think feels the most rejected and singled out as sinful by religious people today? What would it look like to relate to that group of people today the way Jesus related to tax collectors back then?
  • Jeff shared that acceptance leads to transformation. Jesus pointed people to truth, but he led first with grace, in the context of a relationship. Why is having a relationship and creating an environment of grace so beneficial to communicating truth? What has your experience been?
  • Jeff talked about how Jesus provided a wide welcome to a narrow path. Is there a person or group of people with whom you need to be better at welcoming or leading with grace?
  • All of us who follow Jesus need to be open to submitting to his better way. Is there an area in your life where you need to be more open to God’s wisdom? Or a place where you need to intentionally choose to not go your own way but submit to him?
  • As we wrap up our Rebranding Christianity series, what concept or message has stuck with you? What are some tensions you’re wrestling with as you try to live into the “Jesus brand” of radical love?

Going Deeper

Personal Study During the Week

READ “Rebranding Christianity” book. To take the concepts from this week’s discussion deeper, read the following chapters:

  • Chapter 10: The Widest Welcome
  • Chapter 11: Rules of Engagement
  • Chapter 12: Meant to be Hated