How To Make Your Time Count Group Guide

February 2024

  • What is something fun that you’ve always wanted to do, but keep putting off? Is “putting it off” a pattern you recognize in your life?
  • The clock on our lives is not ticking up, but down (at least for our time on Earth). Have you started to feel the ticking of time? Do you have an example of when it hits you?
  • Read Psalm 90. In verse 12, Moses specifically asks God to teach us to “number our days” and “gain a heart of wisdom.” What does it look like when a person has gained a heart of wisdom?
  • Reflecting on Jeff’s distinction between living intentionally and living on autopilot, which mode do you find yourself in more often, and why?
  • Read Ephesians 5:15-17. Paul challenges us to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity. In your current season of life, what opportunities might God be calling you to seize for his purposes?
  • How does the idea of storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth, as Jesus suggests, impact the way you allocate your time, resources, and energy? Can you share an experience where you intentionally invested in something with eternal significance? What happened as a result?
  • In his message, Jeff said, “A shift happens, where we don’t want time to move fast, we want to slow it down. We realize that it is slipping away from us, and at some point, this life will be over. We want to stop the clock… plug up the hourglass.” Imagine yourself at the very end of your life on Earth. What priorities and choices would your future self encourage your present self to focus on?
  • For the Christ-follower, what are some of the comforts of understanding that paradise awaits us beyond our time here on Earth? How does it help us face our everyday struggles?
  • To close, revisit questions 1 and 2.