How To Deal With Criticism Group Guide

February 2024

  • Describe a time in your life when you were certain you were on the right mission but faced significant criticism or opposition?
  • What’s one or two words that would describe your last week or few weeks?
  • This week Jeff talked about the significant opposition the people of Israel faced in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Why were Sanballat and his allies so opposed to the rebuilding of the wall?
  • Consider watching this week’s edition of Postscript, where Jeff goes deeper into the weekend message:
  • What is something that stood out to you from the Postscript?
  • Read Nehemiah 2:18-20. What was Nehemiah’s initial response to the questioning of Sanballat?
  • Jeff pointed out that Nehemiah responded with great boldness and clarity, and he went forward with the work. What other examples have you seen (in the Bible, in history, in your life, or in the lives of others) where the most appropriate response to criticism is to ignore it and proceed with the mission?
  • Read Nehemiah 4:7-15. In the face of a new danger, the people began to lose confidence. Nehemiah listened to their concerns and developed a plan to address the danger. Why did Nehemiah respond differently to the concerns of the people of Israel than he did to the complaints of Sanballat and Sanballat’s allies?
  • When we face criticism, we can ask two questions: “Is the criticism toward the mission or the methods?” and “Who is the source of this criticism?” How do you think those two questions can help?
  • In light of Nehemiah 1-2, we can consider these three questions:
    • How can I become better at distinguishing wise criticism from foolish/evil criticism?
    • How can I remain courageous and encouraged in the face of opposition?
    • How can I make sure the advice I give is advice from a wise person?
  • Is there anything God is laying on your heart when it comes to these three questions?
  • Spend some time praying for courage to live our mission in obedience to God.