Find Joy + Unity Group Guide

November 2023

  • Do you have an upcoming vacation or trip planned? If not, where would you like to visit if you could?
  • What’s the last road trip or vacation that you went on, and who did you go with? Did you have any moments of conflict on that trip that made it harder to choose joy?
  • Read Psalm 133:1. Can you describe a time when you experienced joy because of unity?
  • Read Philippians 4:1-5. How does Paul describe Euodia and Syntyche, and what is Paul asking of them?
  • How do you relate to the idea that even mature, godly individuals can find themselves at odds with each other? Have you had any personal experiences with this?
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where unity within a group or relationship broke down due to unresolved conflict? How did it affect you and those involved?
  • Before addressing conflicts, one option could be to ask ourselves if the issue is truly important enough to disrupt the common commitment to a bigger purpose. Can you think of a situation in your life where you should have let go of an issue to maintain unity? How would you assess the importance of an issue in your relationships?
  • Read Matthew 18:15. What do you think about the idea of making a “Matthew 18:15 commitment" to address conflicts? Do you currently have such a commitment in your relationships? How do you feel about initiating conflict resolution when you feel wronged?
  • Are you currently in an unreconciled situation with someone in your life? How can you work towards reconciliation in that relationship?
  • Take some time to pray together as a group, especially for any unresolved conflicts and for unity and harmony in your lives and the lives of those you care about.