Find Joy + Freedom Group Guide

November 2023

  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
  • Read Philippians 3:7-9 together. How has the grace/gift that Jesus gave us impacted how you live your life?
  • How do you personally find "joy" and "freedom" in your life?
  • In your experience, how has religion affected your perception of joy and freedom? Have you encountered instances where religion hindered your sense of joy?
  • Jeff talked about the pressure to conform to religious standards or practices. Have you felt pressured to live up to certain religious expectations or ideologies?
  • How can we avoid the pitfalls of religion—such as the tendencies towards arrogance, shame, pressure, exclusivism, and judgmentalism—to cultivate authenticity and genuine growth?
  • Jeff said, “Since Christ is perfect, we don't have to be perfect. Because Christ is righteous, our righteousness doesn't need to measure up to God.” How does this truth impact the way you seek out freedom?
  • Once we fully know God’s truth and trust in his plan, that’s when we experience freedom. In what areas of your life do you feel you need to grow in understanding and trusting in God?