Find Joy + Change the World Group Guide

October 2023

  • What keeps you positive while living in a world that seems dark, difficult, and scary?
  • Can you imagine living in this world without knowing God?
  • Read Philippians 2:12-16. “…then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” That’s a bold contrast Paul depicted. If you look at your life right now, do you feel you are a bright light amidst a dark world?
  • Jeff acknowledges that people have different personalities and not everyone brings joy to others the same way. Whatever your personality, how can you go about living a life of contagious joy that draws people toward God?
  • Grumbling and arguing are essentially just the outflows of a self-focused life, a life that has misplaced faith, hope, and love. Is there an area in your life where you have misplaced your faith, hope, or love?
  • Jeff describes “walking with God” as God giving us free will to take steps toward what he wants for us, or not. We are responsible to work out what God is working in our lives. Are there areas in your life where you need to take steps to walk with God?
  • It should inspire awe and reverence that God would even think about us, much less want to work in our lives so that we become all that he wants us to become. How can we use this perspective for encouragement when our day isn’t going our way, or we feel like grumbling or arguing?