Find Joy + Bless Others Group Guide

October 2023

  • Greg shared about Mr. Carmen, a high school teacher who took a brave step to humble himself and serve his students. He inspired Greg to also be someone who loves and cares for others. Have someone ever served you with genuine care when you weren’t expecting it?
  • Have you experienced a time when serving someone brought you joy?
  • Read Philippians 2:3-8 together. In what ways can humility and selflessness be applied to the challenges and conflicts you face today? How can we draw inspiration from Jesus' example?
  • It’s countercultural to live the way Jesus did. Where do you struggle to live out a life of selflessness?
  • What about our culture makes it hard to live with humility?
  • Because humility and selflessness go against our nature, we can think we are in step with Jesus, but we are actually following the flow of the world. Are there people in your life who can help you see where you are following “the way of Jesus”?
  • Read Ecclesiastes 4:4 together. Envy is an endless race that never has a finish line and never brings lasting joy or true fulfillment. Have you been stuck in this race?
  • As we look forward to a life of love, humility, service, and generosity, is there someone unexpected whom you could serve? Is there a way to leverage your own influence, resources, network, or power so that someone else can win the day? Can you celebrate someone else getting the credit? Can you speak words of encouragement or affirmation – ones that you yourself long to hear – into someone else’s life?